"This is the place"

Monday we spent the day in Salt Lake City at "This is the Place." A real living museum of sorts--this was right up my kids' alley. They LOVED it. The place reminded me of the Renaissance Pleasure Faire only Pioneer style. Preston loved seeing all the Brigham Young (did you know he's Preston's 5th great grandpa?) stuff and the Indian things too. Preston has kind of been obsessed with Indians for a year or so now. Since we had a large crew there (Kirstin's 6 kids, my 3 kids, and Jennilyn's 2 kids) it took awhile to get around. We didn't even get to see HALF of the neat buildings there. Before we had even left the park I had talked my mom into going again later in the week so my kiddos (and me) could see the whole park. Chloe's favorite thing there was washing the clothes. Preston's favorite was making the items to take home. Derek's favorite was beating the rugs! My favorite building was the ZCMI store where I bought yummy licorice dog candy. It was so delicious! On a side note, if you know my sister Jennilyn--then read her blog. Her son Indy has a special balnkie thing called "bean." When we were at the pioneer place and washing clothes, Indy LOVED it so much that he must've put down the sacred "bean" and left it there while none of us noticed. Ahh! I know. Good thing Jennilyn had an extra bean still at Grandma's house. I would've been in BIG trouble otherwise. In the pictures there is a last known picture of the "bean." So sad.
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