Service Pays

So the Elders wanted, yes they actually WANTED to come over and bang out the cement for Douglas. They were working for soo the super heat.

What hard workers they were!
So we kept them hydrated with kool-aid.....I think they went through about 2 gallons of the stuff! Douglas also thanked them by making them lunch! He made them (and me---so yummy too by the way) some broccoflower, goat cheese stuffed chicken breasts, and herb polenta. I'm sure if you ask Doug what he made he'd have much fancier names for all that. I also ended up making them some goodies to eat and take home for their hard labor. I made them some chocolate chip cookies and some brownies. I made the brownies that Mom Fisher gave us the recipe for (from BYU). Yummy!! I also forced Elder Sutton and Elder Tafa to check out Anziano Cass' mission scrapbook and hear lots of stories about Jared---ahhh, I felt like a true Missionary Mommy. So proud of her lil Elder! Well, after 5 hours of service (and no they didn't get to finish) we'll see if they dare return to the Hotel Califarnsworth again! Ha ha. We're hoping the goodies will help them to still want to come back. Elder Sutton does construction for a living I guess so he says he LIKED doing it....yeah, right. Who likes to break up 8 inches of concrete for 5 hours??


Well it sounds and looks like a lot of work. But I am sure it was worth it for the Elders because of all the yummy food and blessings they got!

June 10, 2008 at 7:46 PM  

Okay, is there something Dad didn't tell me? As your landlords, I'm just wondering why Doug and the Elders are breaking up the cement?!? (hee! hee!) Looks like you had them working VERY hard, but I'm sure their reward was more than worth it...

June 12, 2008 at 6:03 PM  

are they for hire? hey, i got my friend to start selling modbe in Missouri..he,he..i guess she liked the idea of writing off her clothes!

June 13, 2008 at 3:31 PM  

Girl, I am loving your blog...don't stop now. I want to read more about what is going on with you!

June 30, 2008 at 10:05 AM  

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