Two 7th Graders in da HOUSE

Yeah, you read that right. There are now two 7th graders in the Farnsworth house. I know it's insane. When did this happen? Well, Doug has always been in 7th grade. Him and his coworkers and buddies. Forever in 7th grade--all of them. You know the type, the type that tries to fart on each other and constantly tells "who cut the cheese" jokes. The kind of person that walks around and titty-twisters complete strangers and what not....they are FOREVER stuck in 7th grade. Well, i am sure that you all know that Doug is like the 7th grade class captain but recently Preston joined his rank.

Yep, it's true. It started with an innocent question yesterday, "Mom, can I google something?"

"Um, what do you want to google?"

"I'm bored. I want to google Crazy Frog."

"What the heck is Crazy Frog?"

"Oh, just this really funny videos with music and stuff."

Videos?? Oh great. "Um, is it a cartoon?"

"Yeah mom. You can see it. You will laugh your head off."

"Sure Preston go ahead. Google Crazy Frog." I let him go and then slowly made my way to the computer room. I had to see first of all if he could google it on his own and then I had to personally check out Crazy frog. So I sneak behind him and he gets onto Fiefox like a pro. Then he googles crazy frog. He then scrolls down and finds the selection he wants and clicks on it. The link takes him to YouTube. WONDERFUL, I am thinking....a 7 year old on youtube. Not good. So then the video starts and Preston immediately starts singing along and laughing so hard. He was laughing uncontrollably and even fell off the chair. You can check it out if you want.

So it's a naked frog? more youtube for preston. Enjoy all you 7th grader boys of the world. I like how the video has been viewed so many times....why? I don't get it. It's nasty and stupid. My son will not be in 7th grade yet. Back to 2nd grade Preston.


Hmmm, I am not sure if I want to check out your link!

LOL but it IS funny that you call Doug a 7th grader... I can seem some resemblence. Except he doesn't have the horrible acne.

July 9, 2008 at 11:41 AM  

yeah, he's totally in 7th grade forever! soo funny..made me laugh hard!

July 10, 2008 at 12:52 PM  

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