Chloe Cracked Up!

Oh yeah Chloe cracked up bad this time! No, she's not laughing or on the "cracked corn", she "BROKE HER HEAD." That was an official statement from the oriental ER doctor on her condition. He kept saying "she broke her head. It cracked all the way, both sides, big big crack." Alright, we got it. So yesterday Chloe was dancing on the trash can---(yes that's what she said she was doing) and she fell off and landed on the concrete. Nice huh? Well, she seemed fine except she did have a red mark on her head. No bump. I put ice on it and after a few minutes she stopped crying and all seemed just fine. Then her eyes got dilated, and she began throwing up. So I called Lynsey Drew. Lynsey told me she probably had a concussion and just to watch her. She told me if she threw up more than a few times to take her in to get checked just in case. She also emailed me some info on head trauma. Lynsey's awesome like that. So we went to bed. Chloe was up constantly throwing up so I finally took her into the ER.

The ER trip was looooonnnngggg. They did a CT scan and found that her brain looked really good (so far), her skull was cracked from the top of her head down to the bottom. And it was cracked all the way through. They informed us that for the next 24-48 hours we really needed to make sure she stayed down and didn't eat any food. She can only have liquids. Since she is throwing up so much they don't want to have her eat food and have too much pressure throwing it up. This could cause the brain to swell or bleed they say. They let us know that the brain swells really slowly and some internal bleeding (if it's just a small vein) can take awhile to show up on a CT scan.

Chloe is home and feeling bored. She seems fine though. If she becomes unconscious or has a hard time walking, or becomes dizzy, or any of that I have to take her back in immediately and have more CT scans done. She also has to go to her pediatrician on Monday to get checked again. Hopefully she continues to do as well as she's doing now. Other than being hungry and really tired she is acting quite normal.

No more dancing on trash cans for Chloe.


ohhh, i'm still crying for that little cutie! that looks so sore! and not fun! and believe me, i can TOTALLY relate to how she is feeling!!! these fractures are a BUMMER, especially in the SUMMER!!! :( give chloe a huge hug and kiss from us!! hope she feels better soon!!!

July 13, 2008 at 6:35 PM  

awww, poor chloe... that sounds like no fun. and trash can dancing sounded SO fun!

July 14, 2008 at 7:31 AM  

Shaunaaaaa! I'm sorry sorry to hear about Chloe, I hope she is doing better today.


July 14, 2008 at 4:39 PM  

Give Chloe some hugs and kisses from us!!! We hope she gets better quickly and there aren't any complications!!!!!!!
We love her and we're praying for her!!!

July 15, 2008 at 9:55 AM  

Dancing on the trash can??? Crazy girl! The kids and I want to come over and wish the crazy girl to get better soon! Hopefully she can accept visitors! Shauna! How do you deal? scary! At least she was having fun, right?

July 15, 2008 at 10:28 PM  

She looks so sad! I hope it heals well! That can't feel good!

July 20, 2008 at 9:02 PM  

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