Our 4th

Okay so the 4th of July, Doug had to work. Stink huh? So I never made any plans. I can't believe how fast it crept up on me. The Drew's ended up coming over for some chow and then we went and saw the fireworks at the Vons parking lot. By the time we were done eating and what not we were not about to even attempt the church parking lot. We had a fun time. The kids liked the fireworks and only plugged their ears at the beginning. I had fun entertaining myself with my camera trying it out on "fireworks" setting. Yeah my cool camera has an actual fireworks setting on it. Crazy huh? Anyway, it was interesting. The kids also got to play with poppers. Oh fun huh? I know I am just outta control with the festivities---yeah right. Not this time at least. How was your 4th?


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