
Derek is OBSESSED with Penguins! He LOVES Club Penguin and cannot seem to get enough of anything even remotely penguin-related. It has been Penguin mania at our house! That is NOT an understatement. Anyway, guess what Derek found out today at school? They are going to start a new science unit. . .all about PENGUINS! Derek is so excited! He is so happy that he coaxed me into baking these guys for his class at school. . .

Oh, and here is something funny. Uncle Alex LOVES penguins too. We all know this. He also likes video games. We all know this too. So every single day when my kids log on to Club Penguin they search for Uncle Alex. I have told them hundreds of times that Uncle Alex doesn't play Club Penguin but they search anyway. So much for trusting their mom!


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