I love the Best Buddy Program that Chaffey high School has. Queens Quest, the Miss Community of Upland Pageant founders, support the Best Buddy Program at Chaffey. The money they collect from pageant entries goes to funding the Best Buddies. Not all of the Queens were invited to go present the check to the buddies but Chloe was. I was excited for her to go even though I had to pull her out of school for it. I wanted her to see the other kids, most of which have Down's Syndrome, and learn more about being friends to everyone. This ended up being a really good experience for her. She got to walk around Chaffey High School during school hours and see all types of kids. Chloe says now she knows what High School is and can't wait to go. "It's like a big party," she told Preston. While we were there they had a radio station blasting music promoting a dance at Chaffey during their lunchtime. There was quite a gathering of people getting down that Chloe got to watch for a little while. While in the Best Buddy classroom Chloe was able to talk to lots of buddies. All of which told her she was a real princess and couldn't stop touching and admiring her crown. So cute! Chloe LOVED it! Here is a picture of the girls with their favorite Best Buddy, Carol!
This was Preston's first Pinewood Derby ever! Boy was he excited. And in LOVE with his car! He had so much fun making it and spending time with Daddy and Grandpa. The car turned out amazing! I hope he keeps it forever. Such a cute keepsake. Are you ready for it? I got to help too. I modge podged the logos on the car. Here it is folks, Preston's Pinewood Derby Car:
Yes, that is a bobsled! Yes, that is a club penguin guy driving it! Yep, that is the Club Penguin logo on the car. Yes, he included Nascar logos as well. Yes, he had to give a shout out to the upcoming winter Olympics! Yup, he sure did put his Club Penguin log on name on the sides of his car too! Yes, it IS the coolest Pinewood Derby car ever! But how were the other cars? How dare you even ask. . .just kidding. Some were pretty cool as well. Here were our favorites:
Oh, and how did Preston's car do in the races?
He won 2nd place overall! Yay! Congrats!!
Derek and Chloe enjoyed watching the races! Good job Preston! We love you!
Doug entered the Mountain Bike racing world! He has been wanting to try it for awhile now and finally took the challenge. He entered the Southridge Race Series in Fontana. His first race was on January 9th. His bike was ready . Doug was pumped up and excited. After the initial start off Doug was in the lead. I was so excited. After the first loop though, he was taking longer than I thought he should be. Hmm. Then Darold called me and let me know that he'd just talked to Doug on the phone and Doug had a flat. I needed to go back to the car (about a mile away) and get his bike gear and met him at the watering station. Ahh! I ran so fast and made it to Doug in time. Doug changed his tire and went off. At this point he was still in second place. I was still excited. Then a little while later he called to let me know he'd quit the race. He gotten another flat tire and didn't have any more tubes. So his first race was a bust. Bummer. The kids still had fun! They got to race in the kids race!
Doug was looking forward to his second race! He had two goals--finish the race and get a podium finish (place in the top 5). Well, his race was early in the morning on the day after we got home from Brian Head. Not exactly the best of timing. We barely made it there in time. We were tired from skiing! Doug gave it his all and pulled off this: Third place baby! Yay Douglas!! We are so proud of you!!
Grandpa was hungry so he treated us to Taco Bell. Yummy! Look how Grandpa chows down. He was really hungry. He sure is planning on eating a lot. Jeepers Grandpa, slow down. . .jk.
The kids were hungry too.
Grandma was happy even though I think Grandpa must've eaten her food.
I'm serious! Look how much food that is! That's enough trash to fill a landfill. JK.
Alright, Grandpa didn't really eat all that food. Doug was just being funny with the camera. Grandpa is a good sport though, see?
Grandma was pretending to be appalled at how much Grandpa was eating. LOL! I love it!
Ah, we stopped in Las Vegas again to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa Farnsworth. They took us to the Natural Museum for kids. We loved it of course. Hey, we are museum type people. The sibling bears were brawling just like these siblings do from time to time too.
The dinosaurs were everyone's favorites. And no, Grandpa isn't old enough to have seen real live dinos kids.
Sweet little Indian home. Preston isn't in these pictures. Maybe he was too tall. Or too cool. But Kent is there!
I love monkeys. I really do. I used to want one for a pet. These guys were all over the place. But something about them bothered me. Can you figure it out? Uh, I don't mean to be gross but what's up with the "blue balls"? Are they really like that? It looks like the museum people painted them that way. For real? Crazy museum people or like that in real life? Let this next picture help you decide. I think it shows what type of people the Museum folks are. Here is their character for you to judge:
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, and "do" no evil? People, this is a children's museum. Sheesh!
We decided to get a group shot before we left the museum. There was this cool log out in front that we thought would make the ideal picture. We all huddled together, closer and closer and then Doug's mom (Grandma) fell right off that log. I can laugh about it because she was okay. Thank goodness. She fell hard and bumped her head on the wall. Poor Grandma. At least we got a group shot right?
Our second day of skiing was so fun! Preston and Tyler skiied together. Doug and Ben skiied together. Kimmy and I got to ski together. Chloe and Brookie skiied together almost the entire day. Chloe was cry-free and all smiles! Derek learned how to ski and spin while going down the slope! So tricky! Preston was able to land one jump! Awesome! Our time in Brian Head is always treasured. We love it! Thanks for coming Humpherys Family!
Who likes to ski? We do!! I was excited to go this year. I was hoping that Chloe would like skiing better this year. But if not, we came prepared. REI had some kid snow shoes on clearance. They came with poles and everything. We scored two pairs. We figured if Derek and Chloe didn't want to ski they could walk around on snow shoes- - -and we could still ski! Ha ha. Good plan.
I am pleased to report that Derek liked skiing! He went with Doug right away and really liked going fast!
Chloe was, in my opinion, not even trying.
But she was crying. A lot. And refused to go anymore when she was halfway down the run. I was beginning to freeze to death. This was not the way I had planned to go. Getting more and more frustrated with her by the second I realized that I was NOT having fun. I vowed that I would never take her up the lift again if we ever made it down. It took about 30 minutes but we did eventually make it to the bottom. I looked around and noticed Kim and her fam bam were having fun. Preston was having the time of his life. Even though Doug was skiing on beginner runs with Derek, he was having a grand time too.
Chloe and I were miserable. That's when I decided I would giver her one more chance. Not with me though. Not with Doug. She was going to ski school. That was it. She cried and cried all the way to ski school. She bawled while I signed her up. The gal asked if I was sure Chloe wanted to ski. I assured her she DID! She was hysterically crying while they measured her for ski school skiis. Then in walked her ski instructor. Chloe looked. . .then stopped crying, then flipped her hair, put on chapstick and walked right over to that handsome 19 year old and said, "Hi, I'm Chloe. I LOVE to ski. Bye Mom!" At this moment I was glad she likes older guys. yes, she has a crush on her teacher! She was the only kid on ski school so she got private lessons.
Chloe learned how to ski since she had to impress her teacher. I got to ski and enjoy my time. Ski school was priceless!