Chloe's birthday was on Sunday. Our friend had given us two free tickets to California Adventure at Disneyland. Doug told me this would be the perfect chance to use them. Preston had spent the night at his friend's house and so I just had Chloe and Derek at home. Doug said, "take those tow to Disney since Chloe is free on her birthday." Alright, we did it, we skipped church and everything. How naughty! The 3 of us headed out to Disneyland. We had to park in a far parking lot so we got to ride the bus to the park. Chloe and Derek thought this was so fun. I would've thought it was more fun if the bus driver hadn't almost ran over a 80 yr old woman with a walker. He tapped her walker with the bus and knocked her over. Then he didn't even get out to help her. in fact tons of people just kept walking by. People on the bus asked to get out to help her but the driver said no. Finally, a nice lady came to help her and get her out of the street (I think the bus driver's honking--yes, he was HONKING because the woman was in the way of the bus---finally got someone's attention). Geez. After that little mishap, all went well. Luckily, Chloe and Derek were too excited to notice what was going on. That and they were so short they couldn't see out the front windows. Right when we got into the park (Chloe got her birthday button first) they were blocking the main street in California Adventure for a parade. We had no idea what parade it was but decided since we couldn't walk past it we'd sit and watch it. We got front row seats. Turns out they were the best seats in the house almost. We sat and ate our sandwiches.
Awesome that Disneyland lets you bring in food now huh? YES! Much more affordable to go there now. As soon as we'd eaten a few bites this came by
HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3! What luck! My kiddos LOVE that movie. They had no problem dancing and singing along. Then we went and rode on Derek's new favorite ride "Soarin' Over California". I love this ride. We only had to wait about 8 minutes to get on the ride too. Not bad.
We spent most of our time at Bug's Land.
We totally just took it easy all day. We cruised over to Bear Mountain and hung out for awhile. Chloe did some rock climbing and Derek did some rock sitting
I didn't rush the kids because we were planning on going to Disneyland with my sister and her kids at the end of the month. They were going to come and spend 3 days there and I told her we'd go once with her. We ran into some people who were talking about upgrading their passes. We discovered we could upgrade all three of our passes to annual passes for cheaper than one 1 day pass. I called Doug to ask what I should do and he said "DO it." So we headed over to the ticket booths and got annual passes!
We had to go inside Disneyland to get our pictures taken for our passes so we spent the rest of the time there. This saved us so much money (the annual passes) since we were going to go back so soon.
Chloe had an amazing birthday day!
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