Elder Hendershot (who is serving in our ward) is awesome! We love him. He has been teaching our friends, The Jones' (Kathy, Anthony, JohnPaul, Brandy, and Andrew). He helped baptize JohnPaul, Brandy, and Andrew. Yay! While we were in Utah we promised Elder Hendershot that we would meet his family and bring him back some goodies (his Dad sells Little Debbie snacks). Yum. Well, the Hendershots are about the cutest most fun family ever! We met up with them at their hotel in Smithfield (yeah, I'd never heard of it either). They took us over to Wingers for dinner and treated our whole family to some delicious dinner! Wingers is Elder Hendershot's favorite place ever. While at dinner Douglas and I let Brother and Sister Hendershot know that even though they cannot call Elder Hendershot, we had 3 phones with local numbers (909 numbers) and we could call him. See, when Jared was in Italy serving on his mission we had the opportunity to meet an Italian who came to Orange County for Thanksgiving. Since he had a cell phone with an Italian number he was able to call Jared and let us talk to him for some time. We were happy to be able to do the same for the Hendershots. They were so excited to be able to talk to their son and give him words of encouragement. Elder Hendershot had been having a hard time with his new companion. After dinner, Brother Hendershot surprised the kids by spoiling them rotten. Literally. He hooked them up with BOXES of Litttle Debbie snacks. Preston, Chloe, and Derek got to climb in his truck, open boxes and take packages after packages of treats. No kidding. It was a DREAM come TRUE for them. So FUN. The cutest thing in his truck though was not the snacks. Or the kids. It was this: How sweet is that? And this:
Elder Hendershot and his Dad are best friends. Elder hendershot is a total mini me of his father and so this two year separation has been hard for the both of them. I think Doug will be the same way with Derek since Derek is his mini me. So sweet though. After the truck raid we went to their hotel suite to chat. We talked for so long and could have stayed a lot longer even. We just love this family!
But after snapping some pictures and promising to keep in touch we had to get going to be at our Fisher Family reunion in Cedar City.
Thank you Hendershot Family!! We look forward to seeing you again! your son is great!!
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