Back to school and a regular schedule! YAY!!! This is cause to celebrate! This year I am working at their school as a Preschool Aide part time. I am super excited. Derek is in 1st grade now and has Mrs. Coyle. He is excited to be in the same class as Noah, Jenna, and Cameron. He is a little sad that Jessie isn't going to Sierra Vista this year and that Anna is not in his same class. He is really excited about having Mrs. Coyle for his teacher. I am too!
Chloe is in 2nd grade this year and is in Ms. Potter's class. Wahoo! I was hoping Chloe would get Ms. Potter. Chloe could learn a lot from her classroom management plan. Ms. Potter uses money. They get 2 cents for showing up to school and pay fines when they are bad. They can earn money by doing all sorts of things as well. Then they get to go shopping with their money a couple times a month. I love it! And Chloe does like to shop. This will help her with her math and her money skills. I am looking forward to it. The best part according to Chloe is being allowed to sit next to Alyssa! They got to pick their own seats!
Preston is in 4th grade and is in Mr. Corbett's class. Preston could never make up his mind who he wanted for a teacher since both Mrs. Reust and Mr. Corbett are equally awesome. He is so excited about all the historical items in his classroom. He loves the taxidermy animals and artifacts all over the place. Bored is something Preston will never be in this class. Preston is already looking forward to Gold Rush Day!
Despite being a little nervous about starting school without their glasses (all of theirs were broken and new ones were on their way) they all did amazing. They all three still love school, have lots of friends, and cannot seem to stop talking about it all. We couldn't be more grateful and happy!
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