Doing Cheers with everyone!
Melanie and I have been doing alot of activities together. Our kids love it! We love it! The kids feel like they each got to have a friend over when Melanie and her crew come over to visit. They especially like going places with her. I have really liked it because I can be alone with the kids for looonnnggg periods of time while Doug works and I crave adult interaction. Melanie has filled that void. But Melanie has been more than just a casual friend. We have become the Best of Friends lately and I really enjoy hanging out with her and her kids. They are great kids. Derek says Cole is his BFF even! Melanie's good friend James Yee likes spending time with all the crazy kids too. We were lucky enough to have him treat us to Kings Fish house in celebration of Melanie's birthday! The best part was that Doug had no idea we were coming. Preston, Chloe, and Derek thought it was the COOLEST thing ever to surprise DADDY at work! Doug was indeed surprised to see us there. Even though dining with 6 kids can be quite the experience the kids were pretty good and didn't even embarrass Doug--too much. LOL. What is also cute is that Preston and Taylor have been best friends since Kindergarten. Preston's two best friends are still Kai and Taylor.
James Yee, Cole, Preston, Taylor, Derek, and Chloe
Chloe, Taylor, Shauna, and MelanieTaylor and Preston
My favorite story about Preston and Taylor:
One extremely hot day in the summer we all went to Raging Waters together. After setting up camp in the Kiddie Zone area and playing contently for awhile, Melanie and I decided to take turns taking Taylor and Preston on "big kid" slides while the other watched the little ones. Melanie took the two of them first. They went on a couple of slides and came back. My turn to take them. Yipee! Okay, so they wanted to go on Thunder Rapids. This slide is really a fun one, very popular too though, so the line was monstrous. While we were waiting in line the kids just started talking and playing and I just listened. They talked about Indiana Jones and Star Wars and then they started talking about the slide. Taylor wanted top know if Preston thought it was scary. Preston, the big tough-talker that he is reassured Taylor that he was NEVER afraid on this ride. But Preston did say that a couple of times before he almost fell out of the tube and probably would've surely fallen to his death if he had. We all know how Preston can tell tall tales. So Taylor starts to look a little concerned. "Well, if I get scared or you start to fall off the tube we could just hold hands Preston," Taylor suggested. Preston though about it and then screamed at the top of his lungs, "WE ARE NOT IN LOVE TAYLOR. WE DO NOT HOLD HANDS." Everyone in line cracked up and the two of them were so embarrassed. Ahh, kids.
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