Tutu Cute!

I made something! Amazing I know! Seriously though I really did make an article of clothing. And I STILL don't know how to sew! This is truly one to document. Chloe has a black tutu skirt that she LOVES. She wears it any chance she gets and would hate to have to part with it. Chloe is going to have to part with it soon. I'll tell you why. . .she has LOVED it to its almost DEATH. It is hanging on by strings in one part. Time to retire the tutu. The screaming and over dramatic reactions that I can conjure up in my head of what Chloe what do once I tell her this are far from pretty. To avoid a 9-1-1 moment in my house I began searching for a way to make her a new one. My friend Shelley had gotten one for her daughter's birthday (for her daughter) that was made by her Aunt (Shelley's sister-in-law---Ricky Ingram's wife, Melissa). Anyway, it was beyond darling and I wanted it for Chloe. LOL. So I searched and googled and FOUND a website (that my sister happens to know the girl) who makes NO SEW tutu skirts. She sent me a tutorial, I read it and decided that I would be able to make one! Woot Woot! We made tamales at Max and Lynne's house the other day and while we were there us girls (it still feels weird to talk about girls at the Fisher BOY house) broke away for a few minutes and went to JoAnns. I was able to buy Tulle and Elastic for the tutu. When I got home I spent a good 30 minutes making the tutu. I told Chloe it was for Christmas but she couldn't resist. She HAD to wear it! Too too cute for words. I love it and couldn't be prouder!


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