Kindergarten Orientation

This year Sierra Vista had a Kindergarten Orientation. The kids were able to find out who their Teacher is for the year and see their classroom. Derek was excited. He was hoping to have Mrs. Brown since he knows her. Chloe had her last year and I helped in the classroom almost every morning doing home reading. Derek came with me and Mrs. Brown was always so nice to him. Jared helped Derek get ready for the big day by cutting his hair. I was nervous about having Jared cut it but Jared did a great job. He knew he'd be in trouble if Derek came out of that bathroom looking like he was a Marine. Ha ha! At the orientation we found out that Derek has Mrs. Brown! Yay! And Derek was happy he got to find his cubby!


That kid is such a cutie!
And nice job with the haircut Jared!

January 25, 2010 at 9:36 AM  

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