New Beginings

Preston gets to be a Cub Scout! He is beyond thrilled! chief Akayla came to initiate him into the pack and paint his face. Preston loved it. He didn't want us to wash it off. He was hoping to go to school with that on his face the next day. I'm mean cause I made him wash it off in the morning. And nope his chin isn't painted--that's from his mountain bike crash from the day before. Doug took him mountain biking and while trying to avoid horse poop in the way Preston had a nasty crash. He went into shock and Doug was wondering how they were going to get back down the mountain. Preston said he could do it as long as he rode with his pocketknife in his hand so he felt safe. LOL. Chloe is going to be in the pageant again this year and needed headshots. I am too cheap to pay for such things so I took some myself. Here is a sneak peek. I will post the shots we are going to use soon.


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