
Derek is having a hard time with this Scarlet Fever gig he's got. He had some "strange" complications with it and was hospitalized. Derek was so brave when the nurses would take his blood or give him an IV. He just laid there and WATCHED them, never even flinching. The nurses couldn't believe it. They had never had a kid want to watch. What a trooper.
He is home now though. When he came home he was fever free and rash free. His "complications" were much better and all seemed well. Four days go by (a total of 10 on antibiotics) and his rash came back. So back to the ER we went. The doctors were baffled! They checked all his major organs and the tests came back normal. We were glad for that and the doctors let us go home. Derek still has a rash (very light now) and we just have to watch it. Hopefully by the time he finishes his antibiotic he will be Scarlet Fever free! Poor little guy. While he was in the hospital Doug's mom came to help out. Thanks! She was an awesome helper. Then before she left we even got to take her shopping to our new cool store, Tai Pan Trading (thanks mom for showing us how "cool" it is). Very fun.
We just want him better and not contagious anymore so we can go places. So stinky for him. He feels fine though (according to him). Derek slept alot yesterday. Hopefully he will be better soon.


Aw, poor little Derek!! I', glad he's getting better though. Hopefully it'll be over soon!

Who knew people still got scarlet fever? That sucks!

March 6, 2009 at 2:04 PM  

It is so sad to see little kids in the hospital. Hopefully he feels better soon. Tell him is SOOOOO much braver then me with the IV and drawing blood thing. I am such a wus. Even though I have had two C-section, one of the worst things they do to me in the hospital is putting that IV in. I hate it. Also, we have Tai Pan in Utah and my mom always used to come up and buy things she would have to transport home via car or airplane. She was very excited when they finally opened one down there! Love that store!

March 6, 2009 at 7:37 PM  

Wow, I didn't know we could still get scarlet fever! Hope he's feeling better though...
I know how you feel having a kiddo in the hospital! We just had our two little ones there with pnemonia! So hard to see them like that :(

March 9, 2009 at 12:41 PM  

Yuck, I hope he is better VERY soon! Do you know where he got it??

March 9, 2009 at 12:45 PM  

Scarlet Fever?! That doesn't sound like fun. I hope is feeling better poor guy!
I'm so glad you loved TaiPan Trading. They started in Utah- I went last year- it's pretty fun!

March 9, 2009 at 5:00 PM  

How does someone get scarlet fever? What a crappy thing for Derek to go through...and for you and Douglas to worry through!

March 9, 2009 at 9:53 PM  

Tell Derek I understand how it is to be sick when your a little kid! Of course he was brave! I still can't believe he got scarlet fever though...didn't know it still happened. How did he get it?

March 22, 2009 at 7:06 AM  

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