This year Kim and her kids along with Stephanie joined us in Brian Head for some skiing action. Matt and Ryan Bentley came too. It was their first time in Utah ever! We were so excited to hit the slopes. It was a journey gearing up 5 adults and 8 kids though. Whew! Preston let everyone know that he remembered how to ski from last year and that he wasn't nervous. He was very confident hitting the slopes.
Preston was even ready to teach his best friend Ryan how to ski. He told him all about PIZZA and FRENCH FRIES.
While my kids were happy to put on quadruple layers of clothing, Tyler wasn't so sure he'd be needing so many clothes on just for the snow.
Tyler caught on to skiing pretty quickly. He and Preston had a blast skiing with Douglas all day.
Ryan stuck with his dad the first day and us girls (Stephie, Kimmy, and I) took the wee ones skiing. I wish I would've had the camera to capture the wee ones on skis but Douglas had it with the "actual skiers" haha.
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