Grandma and Grandpa Fisher joined us on the 23rd. In the morning Grandpa skied with Kim and Steph while the rest of us played in the snow. Matt and Ryan lounged around before heading back to Cali. In the evening we all met up for dinner at a Brian head restaurant (pizza joint) for Ally's birthday bash! Derek was in a funny mood and kept putting Trpy (his american boy doll) hat on his head.
It cracks me up ow many tables it took to put us all together. Not to mention the fact that we rearranged the place ourselves. LOL.
Doug took a picture of this sign hanging in the joint. he said it made him wish he owned a cabin so he could hang it in the bathroom. I laughed so hard at the signage!
On this day (the 22nd)Kim decided that Brooke and Ally needed to go to ski school and get proper lessons. Chloe, Derek, and Brayden got a group lesson (as part of the Luck 13 deal) and Kim, Steph, and I had to go to the adult Lucky 13 lesson. The snow was a bit sticky this day but we all had a good time still. And any skiing is better than Cali skiing (socal skiing). Doug and Matt took Tyler on some more challenging runs too. Preston even went for a couple jumps and rails in the park. Crazy kid!
Derek couldn't wait for it to be night time. He lead all of us in the "snow run" to the main lodge for the swimming! My kids LOVED skiing during the day and swimming all night last year so this year we'd thought we would continue that tradition. Us girls enjoyed the over sized hot tubs next to the fireplace the best! So bomb after freezing in the snow all day.
Brookelyn gave Ally and Chloe lessons in dolphin and mermaid swimming.
The boys had fun doing cannon balls and racing.
Derek chilled with Doug a lot.
We all got our relaxation on going in and out of the hot tubs.
After swimming this is what happened in the Farnsworth's room:
They look like puppies the way they are all snuggled together.
This year Kim and her kids along with Stephanie joined us in Brian Head for some skiing action. Matt and Ryan Bentley came too. It was their first time in Utah ever! We were so excited to hit the slopes. It was a journey gearing up 5 adults and 8 kids though. Whew! Preston let everyone know that he remembered how to ski from last year and that he wasn't nervous. He was very confident hitting the slopes.
Preston was even ready to teach his best friend Ryan how to ski. He told him all about PIZZA and FRENCH FRIES.
While my kids were happy to put on quadruple layers of clothing, Tyler wasn't so sure he'd be needing so many clothes on just for the snow.
Tyler caught on to skiing pretty quickly. He and Preston had a blast skiing with Douglas all day.
Ryan stuck with his dad the first day and us girls (Stephie, Kimmy, and I) took the wee ones skiing. I wish I would've had the camera to capture the wee ones on skis but Douglas had it with the "actual skiers" haha.