This is a picture Doug took while mountain biking with his friends on September 7th. Pretty cool huh? I thought so. The other day we went to Buffalo Inn to eat some buffalo burgers with Matt and Ryan Bentley. I had never been there before even though it is a historic stop along famous route 66. I enjoyed the guitarist there and really liked my buffalo burger. If you haven't been there yet either you should go!
We have been keeping plenty busy. With school, church, scouts (cub and brownies), soccer, and me working we have been swamped. I am happy to report that we are getting into the swing of things though and life isn't as overwhelming as it was for me a couple weeks ago. Preston is playing soccer and is on the Stingers team. They had their first game on Saturday and tied. I have a feeling they are going to be a great team! Chloe is busy with Brownie Scouts. She loves it! I am one of her two Brownie leaders. I enjoy planning and doing the fun activities with the girls. We have 14 girls in our troop so we are busy. So far we have toured Jamba Juice, had a salon party, tie dyed socks, made rainbow clouds, and made friendship bracelets. This Friday is our Investiture Ceremony. Derek is also playing soccer. He is on the Minions team and I am his Coach. Doug is a coach for Preston's team too. JohnPaul Jones is my Assistant Coach and he has been the best thing since sliced bread! Derek's team had their first game on Saturday too and we lost. Bummer in the summer. We are a good team though and I have confidence that will rule the field soon enough.
Us Farnsworth's are looking forward to Halloween already. Doug has agreed to dress up this year! Douglas is going to be a VAMPIRE (not from twilight though)!
Preston is going to be THE MAD HATTER (yep, the Johnny Depp version)!
Chloe is going to be a VAMPIRE (not from twilight either though)!
Derek is going to be YOSHI!
And since the preschool staff is dressing up in a Toy Story 3 theme, I will be BARBIE!
I am excited for Halloween and for all things fall!
Every year we go to Jenks Lake near big Bear for Labor Day with the Murrish's. We love it. We spend the day picnicking, visiting, and most importantly canoing. Chloe and I on our first trip around the lake.
Preston and his buddy had a blast on the lake. **Just a note, Preston stayed in the canoe the 4 hours we were on the lake. I do not he think he ever came out. he loved giving himself as well as others rides around the lake.
Last year Derek was a little afraid of the rocking canoes and never really enjoyed his time in them. This year he was all smiles on his first trip.
Chloe had fun playing with Gracie and going on a walk on the other side of the lake too .
The next time Derek went out in a canoe he was so comfortable that he wanted to help row! I love it! I am so glad that he loves canoing too. I love these sweet adorable shots of Father and Son on the lake. Enjoy!
I enjoyed going around the lake with Preston. I loved that he would row out to a marshy section and stop and look at the fish for several minutes. The water was so clear that in some places you could see clear to the bottom. Preston was also nice and courteous to the fishermen. He chatted with a few of them and wished them the best of luck in their fishing. Preston also noticed a couple of little boys that were watching the canoes in awe. He kindly asked them if they would like a ride and got both his parents and the other boys' dad to agree to it.
I will leave you with my favorite picture from the whole day. Chloe and Derek had so much fun playing and laughing and swimming together while everyone else was in the canoes. Doug took the best picture of the two of them. These two really are such cute friends.
Chloe is very excited that she and Doug have the same number in their ages! Yay for 7 and 37! Doug is 37 years old and is still so good looking! Man oh man! I am one lucky woman. I love that he still rides bikes, takes the kids on fun hikes and all things active, and still enjoys hanging out with his wife! We ate some delicious homemade red velvet cake and had a fun family get together. Doug wanted a new riding outfit for his birthday. Even though I am not a fan of the spandex, Douglas has upgraded to be a spandex wearing rider now. I must say he looks good in them too.
Happy Birthday Douglas! We all love you!
Back to school and a regular schedule! YAY!!! This is cause to celebrate! This year I am working at their school as a Preschool Aide part time. I am super excited. Derek is in 1st grade now and has Mrs. Coyle. He is excited to be in the same class as Noah, Jenna, and Cameron. He is a little sad that Jessie isn't going to Sierra Vista this year and that Anna is not in his same class. He is really excited about having Mrs. Coyle for his teacher. I am too!
Chloe is in 2nd grade this year and is in Ms. Potter's class. Wahoo! I was hoping Chloe would get Ms. Potter. Chloe could learn a lot from her classroom management plan. Ms. Potter uses money. They get 2 cents for showing up to school and pay fines when they are bad. They can earn money by doing all sorts of things as well. Then they get to go shopping with their money a couple times a month. I love it! And Chloe does like to shop. This will help her with her math and her money skills. I am looking forward to it. The best part according to Chloe is being allowed to sit next to Alyssa! They got to pick their own seats!
Preston is in 4th grade and is in Mr. Corbett's class. Preston could never make up his mind who he wanted for a teacher since both Mrs. Reust and Mr. Corbett are equally awesome. He is so excited about all the historical items in his classroom. He loves the taxidermy animals and artifacts all over the place. Bored is something Preston will never be in this class. Preston is already looking forward to Gold Rush Day!
Despite being a little nervous about starting school without their glasses (all of theirs were broken and new ones were on their way) they all did amazing. They all three still love school, have lots of friends, and cannot seem to stop talking about it all. We couldn't be more grateful and happy!
Ahh! Derek is 6 years old! Holy SMOKES!!! We've been busy getting ready for school and such that it was nice to have a kick back birthday for Derek. He was able to get exactly what he wanted for his birthday. He wanted his skateboard to work. We got him some new heavy duty trucks for his board and a cool new Paper Jams guitar. Derek can totally rock out for hours now!!
Happy Birthday Derek!!
Doug took Preston on his Wednesday Night Bike Ride. Doug goes with a group of about 15-20 people. They break off into two groups usually- the "born to be mild" group and the FAST group. Preston and Doug went with the mild group. Doug couldn't believe it (and I still can't) that Preston not only kept up with the group he was beating most of them on the crazy downhill stuff. Way to go Preston! Now Preston wants to go every Wednesday night. Too bad school starts soon. We'll see how many more of these cool night rides he'll get to go on.