Jared gets older too!

Evidently everyone has birthdays, even Jared. Go figure. Hmm. Well, we surprised him with some little presents and cupcakes! He was happy. The kids were overjoyed!!! Jared was uber spoiled by his girlfriend. Lucky boy. He is a very LUCKY kid and he knows it. Man, we LOVE that boy!! Happy birthday big brother, fake son, best buddy! We love you!

On a side note: Jared LOVES Dan Brown's books. Not in a crazy way or anything. They just seem to be the only books (besides Harry Potter books) that he reads. So we bought him the new Dan Brown book for his birthday. Jared has still not read it but I did. I know it wasn't my book and yada yada I should have let him read it first and yada yada BUT I LOVED it! Seriously, it's a good read. And I don't think Jared cared that I read the book first either. Maybe a little. But still. I could cause I am the mom and I said so. That line always worked with my mom. Ahh, it's nice to be the mom now.


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