Preston's "Business"

So apparently Preston wants new school shoes and backpack that he can pick out without Doug and I's opinions. He has been brainstorming how he can earn his own money to accomplish this very thing. Preston's first idea was to mow lawns. Good idea right? I told him that was fine he could have Dad teach him how and then I could help him make a business flyer. Well after spending a good half hour or so in the 100 degree weather with Doug today he decided the "lawn mowing" business was not for him. "Too hot and too hard", he said. So he sat around and thought and thought. Then he came up with this plan (which we finally, reluctantly, agreed to--he got points for creativity):

---for some reason blogger is not uploading his flyer! *Darn* Anyway, he is having "Preston's $3 Thursday" A family fun movie night. $1 a person or $3 a family. He is also selling $0.25 kool-aid and popcorn and $0.50 hot dogs. He is showing Pink Panther 2.

So yeah, funny huh? If anyone wants to come....head on over on Thursday! Movie starts at 8:30pm.


Very creative! Wish we could come join you! Too bad we live on the other side of the country from each other!:)

July 14, 2009 at 6:26 PM  

That is too cute and so creative! I'd come but you know, long drive! I hope it works out for him!

July 15, 2009 at 10:15 AM  

Awesome kid!

(Hey Shauna, how about check your pronoun usage... It's not "I's" it's "mine"... ;-) )

August 5, 2009 at 7:29 PM  

I hope it works for him. Here's my business question: Are mom and dad donating the Kool-aid (& sugar), cups, popcorn, and hot dogs; or does he have to take the cost out of the money people pay?

Maybe the lawning mowing business will be a bit easier in a few more years. Douglas made LOTS of money mowing lawns: It was hot and humid too! :)

August 20, 2009 at 12:27 PM  

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