School Assembly

Chloe's grade, the mighty FIRST graders, were in charge of the Assembly Entertainment for March. Chloe had been talking about it at home for what felt like FOREVER! She really, really, REALLY wanted to have a speaking part in the performance. Chloe knew all the patriotic songs by heart and could belt them, without command, at all times. Especially while someone is on an important phone call or your trying to order fast food, etc. It was wonderful. A few days before the big day Chloe found out she would have a speaking part. Oh was she excited!!! For the next few days we heard her one line over and over in a variety of voices. This was a step up from the songs all the time I do believe.

On the day of the Assembly Chloe was worried about her hair. "It has to be patriotic Mommy." "Okay, well what do you want me to do to your hair?" "Two braid buns with my USA ribbons." So that's what I did. She failed to mention she would be wearing a HAT that she made during the performance. Ha! Oh well, they managed to get her hat to fit by taking out her two buns and letting her have braids!

Derek, our little KINDER was excited as well. Not really because his sister was performing but because he was going to be awarded with a much deserved award! Yay! His fabulous teacher Mrs. Brown chose him to win this month's character award! Derek was VERY proud!


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