Showering our teacher!

Preston's third grade teacher is preggo. All the kids were so excited when they found out. As room mom my brain starting ticking. We just HAD to throw her a surprise shower for her class to enjoy. Well, you know third graders. . .they LOVE surprises but can't always keep them so secret. They were sure she didn't know (but of course she did). Still we did SHOCK her with how many presents and cards the kids sent in! Mrs. Catalano LOVED her PINK shower. The whole class wore PINK (even the boys)! It was awesome! She is having a girl and isn't due until the summertime! We are excited!! **It was hard to get pics cause she was surrounded by kids the whole time! So funny! The girls in the class were HILARIOUS while Mrs. Catalano was opening presents too. They were ooohhing and ahhhing and more excited about the gifts than she was!


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