Chloe's cheer leading group got to cheer at the Quakes game. Chloe was beyond excited for this!
Preston and Derek were just happy that they were going to be able to see a Quakes game. The game got pretty intense at the end which made watching the game so incredible! The Quakes won too! Yay! When we first go to the game, Preston spotted his little crush, Julianna (she is the one in white in the back row on the left).
She is in the dance group from the same studio so she was performing too. This made Preston super excited! Preston's friend Ryan went too so Preston bounced back and forth between our seats and Ryan's seats all night.
Derek was so excited that we were their on Family Night and all the goodies were only a dollar. He ate 3 ice cream sandwiches I believe and even bought his own cotton candy. He was very proud to buy it himself! Ha ha.
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