Chloe turned 7 years old! Can you believe it? Big girl huh? She was so excited to have a Cowgirl birthday! This birthday was much easier to plan than the Diary one. Anyway, Doug and I once again made our own invites. Chloe LOVED passing out the invitations. She LOVED that they had her picture on them (Preston liked that about his too). The part Chloe loved the most was when she would hand someone an invitation and they'd say, "Oh, how cute you are Chloe." That's really what she liked. Ha ha. She was also a lucky girl because her party was on her real birthday! Yay! On her birthday morning, we had a family birthday and let her open her presents.
Grandma Fisher bought her these beuties: Curlformers! Chloe was ecstatic! She couldn't wait to try them out!
The Family!
The invites told everyone to dress up! This was so fun! It was a hoot seeing the kids all dressed up. For her party we had some lil games. For each game that they'd complete they would come and get a piece of candy. We let them do this until the candy was gone. The could paly whatever game they wanted whenever they wanted. The only game that had a special candy was the Digging game.
The first activity was to decorate their bags. The had to have a place to carry their loot! Right next to the bag decorating was the cowboy boot cookie decorating. Everyone's favorite game was the Digging for Diamonds! The liked it because the girls liked the little "diamond" jewels and because the treat they got for playing this one was a ring pop! This was the only game that they could only play once.
Unfortunately our talented photographer didn't get any pictures of the "Wagon Rides". This was also a favorite. We had our wagon and the kids gave each other rides. Too funny! We also had horseshoes set up for the kids.
The food was so yummy I am sad that this is our only picture:
Chloe LOVED her cake as well. It had to be cowgirl themed right? And finally here are some of my favorite shots of the cute kids at the party! Thanks Preston for being a great photographer! The kids were troopers for staying and watching Chloe open her presents in the rain!
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