Chick-Fil-A has the BEST family events! We did not want to miss their Easter Egg hunt. How many kids can say they hunted for eggs with a cow? Mine can!
Chick-Fil-A gave them bags to hold their goodies and even offered a prize to whoever found the special Golden egg. This picture makes me cringe because the egg hunt was so early in the morning and the kids had overslept a little. Chloe had convinced me (in the manner of saving time) that she could do her own hair. She brushed it and put it in a nice headband. It looked great for about 20 seconds. I hope she still lets me do her hair until she's 18! Haha! The cow came in his pajamas!
Derek did not want to get too close to the cow. Preston and Chloe didn't mind. If you've been to Chick-Fil-A lately you may have seen this picture---they have it on their fan wall!
We ended this perfect day by inviting our friends over and dying eggs. Thanks for coming Taylor and Clover.
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