Bye bye car. So sad. One day (on September 15th to be exact), I had a PTA meeting after school and Preston had scouts at the same time. I went to the school and was going to have Chloe and Derek come with me to go to the PTA meeting. Doug came to the school to pick up Preston and take him to scouts. What a nice hubby huh? Anyway, Chloe decided as soon as she saw Daddy that she'd much rather go with him to scouts than stay for PTA. Fine, she went too. Well at 3:05pm I got a phone call from Doug saying, "You're not going to believe this but we were just hit coming out of the school parking lot." Then I hear over the loudspeaker (as I am already hurrying down the halls) "Shauna Farnsworth please come to the parking lot." Agh! Preston was sitting up front and he was the one who got hit. The principal was directing traffic (with Stop sign and all) and told Doug to go. Doug waited for the kid who was crossing the street to finish crossing the street and then since the Principal was still frantically waving for him to go (and Stopping all traffic so he could) he went. As soon as he pulled out he was T-Boned. Nice eh? Not so much. Everyone was okay. Bruised and had back problems but okay. Nightmare for us though. . .no fun.


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